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23 October 2023 - New paper from our group published in Nature Communications!

This work was done during Marie's postdoc at Columbia University in New York in Christoph Kellendonk's lab and was finished up as Marie joined ETH.

In short: the basal ganglia Go and NoGo pathways are classically described as anatomically segregated and functionally opposing. They are made of striatal D1 and D2 neurons and project to the midbrain and globus pallidus, respectively. Here we describe a non-canonical Go pathway made of axon collaterals from D1 neurons that project to the globus pallidus (rather than the midbrain) and promote motor action.

14 Sept 2023 - Our first posters at the Zurich Neuroscience Center (ZNZ) Annual Symposium 2023. Great to share our work, catch up with friends, and listen to really good science. Our group also got showcased on the cover of the ZNZ Symposium Program with a stylized version of one of our microscopy experiments.

8 - 10 June 2023 - Summer science outing at the ySSN and SSN 2023 Annual Meeting in Lugano.

Very first posters from our junior group, congrats Kanako, Alina and Eshita !

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